Most people have the thought that they don’t need a living will until they become senior citizens.
However what they forget is that life is so unpredictable and uncontrollable. Therefore its crucial to
have a living will regardless of your adult age to protect yourself in case something terrible happens.

The following are reasons why an adult of any age needs a living will:

1. Protects you when you can’t communicate

It is the most important part of signing up for a living will-ability to protect you whenever you find
yourself in a future situation where you cannot express your wishes. If something happens, the medical
doctors treating you will have the right to say what happens to you if you are in a state where you
cannot communicate your wishes.

2. Prevents significant arguments between family members

A living will prevent any disputes that may come up between family members when doctors in charge
cannot make the decision. The other people who have a significant influence on medical decisions are
your family members. Sometimes they can disagree with each other regarding what is supposed to be
done to you, and this can be so detrimental to the relationship between family members. You would not
want that to happen during the tough times. But once you have a living will it will be up to your decision
and no one else’s.

3. Guarantees you total control over medical treatments

A living will is necessary especially when it gets to a point where you cannot communicate. During this
time a living will dictate the type of treatment to be administered to you. The doctors will not go against
what’s written in the will. The decision will be off their hands.

4. Gives you peace of mind

A living will provide you with peace of mind. It guarantees you the control over tragic situations. The
first thing to ensure is that your family is okay and you will have proper care whenever bad things
happen. With a living will you are the one to decide what happens during such situations.
That will ensure that no one outside your family makes decisions for you when you are in a sorry state.

5. Reduces unwanted medical bills for your family

If you get to a dangerous situation such as coma, your living will dictate what is to be done with you.
Many people would choose to die instead of staying in a vegetative state for years. Waiting on life
support for that long would be quite expensive for your family. However, if no specifications are
indicated in the living will your family may end up paying insurmountable medical bills. Therefore it’s
important to specify what you would want to be done in such a situation.

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